This week i visited my friend and fellow artist, Anneleen De Koker from Onderhuids based in Schelderode. She and her partner, Dietmar, specialise is abstract paintings and sculptures using found materials and mediums like bones, skulls, feathers, metals etc. Their work is absolutely stunning and the creativity often crosses over into other life aspects such as cooking and design. She was kind enough to help me start my Kombucha and Kefir kits and in return I showed her how to make Maakouda!
instagram handle - Onderhuids
Once we arrived the doggies were quick to play and get acquainted with where to sleep!
Anneleen started by explaining her process with Kefir, how to wash the corals and the day to day process of feeding the Kefir and which types of sugars, and organic materials would suit best along with temperatures etc. I was lucky enough that she allowed me to try all of her Kefirs to see which one suited my palet the best.
Beautiful woman!
Her stash of delicious Kombucha and Kefir!
Anneleen demonstrating the fermentation process with the corals!
The ginger bug has to stay warm for the first 5 days....
Different drieds fruit supply a natural sweetener to feed the kefir! I think i'm going to try with mango!
Anneleen then showed me various Kombucha scoby and how different temperatures affect the skin.
Young scoby!
Showing the different color of the Kombucha - Anneleen suggested that I start my Kombucha scoby by feeding it black tea and brown sugar (organic is the best).
Anneleen splitting the skin so i can start my own Kombucha process!
After lunch we began to make the Maakouda! A delicious Moroccan street food my neighbour showed me to make when i was a student living in Gent.
For this you need 1 or 2 sweet potatoes, 1 egg, feta cheese, whatever spice you prefer (i usually put in Tikka Masala, coriander or mint, and flour!
First step - peel and chop up the sweet potatoes and put them into a pot of boiling water with a pinch of salt. Our friend is a metalsmith who made Anneleen's carving knife and my Japanese San Mai blade. You can follow his creations on instagram - @vandriesschegerrit
After the potatoes are soft enough, time to mash them and let stand for a couple minutes. Once a bit cooled but still warm, add flour, egg, and the spice
Then add the Coriander/Mint and Feta cheese, and begin to gently fold in together.
When the mix is consistent, roll into small balls and cover in flour... this is for the frying process. We tried them in the air fryer but it did not work. So i would suggest a mid to deep pan with vegetable oil or a fry machine at a temperature of 180... the small balls take about 3 to 4 minutes and can be in batches of 6 at a time.
They should be golden to dark brown when fully cooked.
Normally i serve them with a sweet and sour dipping sauce - i find the sweet and savoury flavour couples well together.
The Maakouda should be crispy on the outside and soft (but not gooey) on the inside.
the dogs are definitely loving the smell!!!
Really a great recipe to try with friends

Plate and serve and please enjoy!
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