Haven't been able to update my blog in it seems like forever, but now I am officially home and counting down the days until Bubba arrives (minus 4 weeks hopefully). I don't think Bert and I have been more excited (or terrified) for any other upcoming moment in our life. It's a crazy feeling being over prepared and completely unprepared at the same time. But when it comes down, she will be spoiled with love and attention no matter what (super cheese).

Since my last posting (i think february) Bert and I managed to extend the front garden to accommodate a larger amount of guests when visiting (sort of needed during this time) along with a completely new heating system and updating our kitchen. Not everything is completely finished but at least when we bring our new family member home she will be warm and well fed.

We have also been in the process of changing the forest into a sculpture garden and transitioning the backyard into an outdoor supper club. We've had a lot of artists and chefs and restaurant owners come over to look and see what they would like to do (cooking classes/ sessions etc) but again it depends on what we are allowed to do/how many people/ etc. We're hopefully going to be able to do something in September or at least a try out to see how it works. 

We've had some issues with hunters earlier in the year, where after we asked them to stop trespassing, they decided to fire their guns near or at our house, also illegally trespassing and hunting when it wasn't the right season, lying to our faces (and to the cops) when being caught red handed, unfortunately police had to be called multiple times for one individual - all things that have to be sorted with time and patience i guess. But other than that everything seems to be going in the right direction and hopefully everything stays calm.

I have decided to also start another blog for the gallery, along with updating the website and creating new portfolio books. So very busy with all the upcoming projects. 

The end result or idea is to have an art gallery with a food/catering function that has multiple kitchen and cuisines and chefs taking part... an art and food collective in Geraardsbergen.

Will try to update the blog(s) more frequently! 


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